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Q81498: DIBs and Their Uses

Article: Q81498
Product(s): Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.1
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbfile kbsample kb16bitonly kbOSWin310 _IK kbOSWin300
Last Modified: 05-DEC-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) 3.1 


The following is the text of the article "DIBs and Their Uses". This article is
available in Windows Help file format in the Microsoft Software Library in
addition to the text presented below.


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This article discusses the DIB (device-independent bitmap) concept from
definition and structure to the API that uses it. Included is a small sample
application that illustrates some of the most common methods of using DIBs to
display and manipulate digital images. Functions discussed are GetDIBits(),
SetDIBits(), CreateDIBitmap(), SetDIBitsToDevice(), StretchDIBits(), and
CreateDIBPatternBrush(). This article does not discuss using palettes with


A device-independent bitmap (DIB) is a format used to define device- independent
bitmaps in various color resolutions. The main purpose of DIBs is to allow
bitmaps to be moved from one device to another (hence, the device-independent
part of the name). A DIB is an external format, in contrast to a
device-dependent bitmap, which appears in the system as a bitmap object (created
by an application using CreateBitmap(), CreateCompatibleBitmap(),
CreateBitmapIndirect(), or CreateDIBitmap()). A DIB is normally transported in
metafiles (usually using the StretchDIBits() function), BMP files, and the
Clipboard (CF_DIB data format).

A DIB consists of two parts: the bits themselves and a header that describes the
format of the bits. The header contains the color format, a color table, and the
size of the bitmap. The current DIB format supports four color resolutions: 1
bit, 4 bit, 8 bit, and 24 bit. In 1-bit, 4-bit, and 8-bit DIBs, the pixels are
defined by indexes (of the appropriate bit resolution) into the color table;
24-bit pixels are described as 24-bit values, 1 byte each for red, green, and
blue. The DIB functions are:

  GetDIBits:           Translates a device-dependent bitmap into the DIB

  SetDIBits:           Translates a DIB's information into device-
                       dependent form

  CreateDIBitmap:      Creates a device-dependent bitmap initialized with
                       DIB information

  SetDIBitsToDevice:   Sets a DIB directly to the output surface

  StretchDIBits:       Moves a rectangle from the DIB to a rectangle on
                       the destination surface, stretching or compressing
                       as necessary

  CreateDIBPatternBrush:   Creates a pattern brush using a DIB for the
                           bitmap description


Transferring color bitmaps from one device to another was not possible in
versions of the Microsoft Windows graphical environment earlier than 3.0. With
DIBs, each device displays the image to the extent of its color resolution. An
application can store an image in the DIB format and then display it, regardless
of the output device; an application need no longer create a version of each
image for each type of device.

This image transfer ability can be used to print halftone images. For example,
the StretchDIBits() function can pass a DIB directly to an intelligent printer
driver. Given the full color information of the image instead of simply a
monochrome version (the traditional method), the driver can use halftones to
print a realistic picture.

Because the DIB format is publicly defined, an application can manipulate it on
the fly. In fact, an application can build an image without any interaction with
Windows. If Windows lacks a drawing primitive, the application can simulate it
directly into the DIB instead of using the existing graphics device interface
(GDI) primitives. Unfortunately, under Windows versions 3.0 and 3.1, GDI cannot
perform output operations directly to a DIB.


The file extension of a Windows DIB file is BMP. The file consists of a
BITMAPFILEHEADER structure followed by the DIB itself. Unfortunately, because
the BITMAPFILEHEADER structure is never actually passed to the API, not every
application that generates BMP files fills out the data structure carefully. To
add to this confusion, the "proper" definition of the structure is at odds with
the documentation. Properly, the data structure contains the following fields:

  bfType              A WORD that defines the type of file. It must be

  bfSize              A DWORD that specifies the size of the file in
                      bytes. The Microsoft Windows Software Development
                      Kit (SDK) documentation claims otherwise. To be on
                      the safe side, many applications calculate their
                      own sizes for reading in a file.

  bfReserved2         WORDs that must be set to 0.

  bfOffBits           A DWORD that specifies the offset from the

                      beginning of the BITMAPFILEHEADER structure to the
                      start of the actual bits. The DIB header
                      immediately follows the file header, but the
                      actual image bits need not be placed next to the
                      headers in the file.

The DIB header immediately follows the BITMAPFILEHEADER structure.

For a code sample that reads a BMP file, see the sample program.

The DIB Header

The header actually consists of two adjoining parts: the header proper and the
color table. Both are combined in the BITMAPINFO structure, which is what all
DIB APIs expect.

Windows version 3.0 supports two varieties of headers: BITMAPINFOHEADER and
BITMAPCOREHEADER. If at all possible, applications should use only
BITMAPINFOHEADERs. The BITMAPCOREHEADER definition is based on the bitmap
definition from Presentation Manager version 1.1 and is supported for

During a DIB setting operation, most fields are already filled in by whoever
generated the DIB. Doing a GetDIBits() call, however, provides more control. The
way the header is filled in for this operation defines the resulting DIB,
particularly its color resolution.

BITMAPINFOHEADER contains the following fields:

  biSize              Should be set to sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER). This
                      field defines the size of the header (minus the
                      color table). If a new DIB definition is added, it
                      is identified by a new value for the size. This
                      field is also convenient for calculating a pointer
                      to the color table, which immediately follows the

  biWidth, biHeight   Define the width and the height of the bitmap in
                      pixels. They are DWORD values for future
                      expansion, and the code in Windows versions 3.0
                      and 3.1 ignores the high word (which should be set
                      to 0).

  biPlanes            Should always be 1. All DIB definitions rely on
                      biBitCount for color resolution definition.

  biBitCount          Defines the color resolution (in bits per pixel)
                      of the DIB. Only four values are valid for this
                      field: 1, 4, 8, and 24. New resolutions (16 bit,
                      for example) may be added in the future, but for
                      now only these four define a valid DIB. Choosing the
                      appropriate value when doing a GetDIBits is
                      discussed below. When performing a Set operation,
                      the value should already be defined for the bits.

  biCompression       Specifies the type of compression. Can be one of
                      three values: BI_RGB, BI_RLE4, or BI_RLE8. The most
                      common and useful choice, BI_RGB, defines a DIB in
                      which all is as it seems. Each block of biBitCount
                      bits defines an index (or RGB value for 24-bit
                      versions) into the color table. The other two
                      options specify that the DIB is stored (or will be
                      stored) using either the 4-bit or the 8-bit run
                      length encoding (RLE) scheme that Windows
                      supports. The RLE formats are especially useful
                      for animation applications and also usually
                      compress the bitmap. BI_RGB format is recommended
                      for almost all purposes. RLE versions, although
                      possibly smaller, are slower to decode, not as
                      widely supported, and extremely painful to band

  biSizeImage         Should contain the size of the bitmap proper in
                      bytes. I say "should" because the field is not
                      necessarily filled in. A call to GetDIBits to
                      generate a DIB fills in this field, but a DIB
                      created manually by an application might not have
                      this filled in. Calculating the size of a bitmap
                      is not hard:

                      biSizeImage = ((((biWidth * biBitCount) + 31)
                                     & ~31) >> 3) * biHeight;

                      The crazy roundoffs and shifts account for the
                      bitmap being DWORD-aligned at the end of every
                      scanline. When nonzero, this field tells an
                      application how much storage space the DIB's bits
                      need. The biSizeImage field really becomes useful
                      when dealing with an RLE bitmap, the size of which
                      depends on how well the bitmap was encoded. If an
                      RLE bitmap is to be passed around, the biSizeImage
                      field is essential.

  biYPelsPerMeter     Define application-specified values for the
                      desirable dimensions of the bitmap. This
                      information can be used to maintain the physical
                      dimensions of an image across devices of different
                      resolutions. GDI never touches these fields. When
                      not filled in, they should both be set to 0.

  biClrUsed           Provides a way for getting smaller color tables.
                      When this field is set to 0, the number of colors
                      in the color table is based on the biBitCount
                      field (1 indicates 2 colors, 4 indicates 16, 8
                      indicates 256, and 24 indicates no color table). A
                      nonzero value specifies the exact number of colors
                      in the table. So, for example, if an 8-bit DIB
                      uses only 17 colors, then only those 17 colors
                      need to be defined in the table, and biClrUsed is
                      set to 17. Of course, no pixel can have an index
                      pointing past the end of the table.

                      Note: This field cannot be used during a GetDIBits
                      operation. GDI always fills a full-size color
                      table. The field is therefore more useful for
                      post-processing operations, when an application
                      trims down the contents of the DIB. If nonzero for
                      a 24-bit DIB, it indicates a table that the
                      application can use for color reference.

  biClrImportant      Specifies that the first x colors of the color
                      table are important to the DIB. If the rest of the
                      colors are not available, the image still retains
                      its meaning in an acceptable manner.
                      biClrImportant is purely for application use; GDI
                      does not touch this value. When this field is set
                      to 0, all the colors are important, or rather,
                      their relative importance has not been computed.

The color table immediately follows the header information. No color table is
defined for 24-bit DIBs. The table consists of an array of RGBQUAD data
structures. (The table for the BITMAPCOREINFO format is built with the RGBTRIPLE
data structure.) Red, green, and blue bytes are in reverse order (red swaps
position with blue) from the Windows convention. This is another leftover from
Presentation Manager compatibility.

The size of the color table depends on the biBitCount value (and can be
overwritten using the biClrUsed field; see above):

     if (!(nNumColors = biClrUsed))

       if (biBitCount != 24)
            nNumColors = 1 << biBitCount;

     nTableSize = nNumColors * sizeof(RGBQUAD);

Most DIBs floating around currently have biClrUsed set to 0, but if any
full-fledged DIB bashing is planned, it is a good idea to set it properly. If
biClrUsed is nonzero, a color table with 24-bit DIBs is possible. GDI does not
use this color table, but the application can use it to determine the important
colors used in the DIB.

All DIB functions include a wUsage parameter, which can affect the definition of
the color table. This article avoids using palettes with DIBs, and thereby
assumes that wUsage is always set to DIB_RGB_COLORS and that the color table is
therefore always composed of RGB values. When DIB_PAL_COLORS is used, the color
table consists of WORD values that are indexes into the currently selected
logical palette. (This topic is discussed in detail in the "Using DIBs with
Palettes" article.)

Bit Formats

The header defines the format of the bits, but all formats share the following

- Every scanline is DWORD-aligned. The scanline is buffered to alignment; the
  buffering is not necessarily 0.

- The scanlines are stored upside down, with the first scan (scan 0) in memory
  being the bottommost scan in the image. (See Figure 1.) This is another
  artifact of Presentation Manager compatibility. GDI automatically inverts the
  image during the Set and Get operations. Figure 1. (Embedded image showing
  memory and screen representations.)

- 64K segment boundaries are not respected; scanlines can cross such boundaries
  (unlike the device-dependent bitmap format that is buffered to 64K

Each format has the following specifics:

- 1-bit DIBs are stored using each bit as an index into the color table. The
  most significant bit is the leftmost pixel.

4-bit DIBs are stored with each 4 bits representing an index into the color
table. The most significant nibble is the leftmost pixel.

- 8-bit DIBs are the easiest to store because each byte is an index.

- 24-bit DIBs have every 3 bytes representing a color, using the same ordering
  as the color table. This format is especially tricky during processing
  because a 64K boundary can exist in the middle of a color triple -- a
  difficult condition that must be handled with care.


GetDIBits() and SetDIBits()

These two functions are used to convert device-independent bitmaps into
device-dependent bitmaps and vice versa. SetDIBits() converts a DIB to a
device-dependent bitmap, and GetDIBits() generates a DIB from a device-dependent

The device driver referenced by the hDC passed into both calls performs the
actual translation. Some device drivers may not have this functionality (for
example, a Windows version 2.0 driver or a primitive Windows version 3.0
driver). In this case, GDI simulates the translation, but only in monochrome --
color information is converted to black and white. For the most part, however,
this is not a concern. All self-respecting display drivers support this
functionality, and only a few printer drivers do not provide the translation,
usually monochrome drivers for which the GDI simulations suffice.

GetDeviceCaps(hDC, RASTERCAPS) returns a WORD value with flags set indicating
which DIB functions the driver supports. RC_DI_BITMAP indicates support of
GetDIBits() and SetDIBits(), RC_DIBTODEV indicates support of
SetDIBitsToDevice(), and RC_STRETCHDIB indicates support of StretchDIBits(). Any
function not supported can be simulated, although the simulations are often not
as useful as the real thing (mainly because color information is lost). A device
may be unable to support the full functionality even if a bit is set. For
example, a device could support StretchDIBits but only for integral stretches.
Unfortunately, an application has no way to determine the completeness of the
implementation. In these cases, GDI simulates the function.

The parameters are the same for both GetDIBits() and SetDIBits():

GetDIBits(hDC, hBitmap, nStartScan, nNumScans, lpBits, lpBitmapInfo,

SetDIBits(hDC, hBitmap, nStartScan, nNumScans, lpBits, lpBitmapInfo,

hDC            The device context (DC) responsible for the translation
              operation. hDC must be compatible with the hBitmap

hBitmap        The device-dependent bitmap from which (Get) or to
              which (Set) the DIB will be translated. Because of how
              the simulation code operates, this bitmap should not be
              currently selected into any DC.

nNumScans      Define the contents of lpBits. For example, a StartScan
              of 5 indicates that lpBits points to the fifth scan of
              the DIB. A NumScans of 14 indicates that lpBits points
              to 14 scans of the DIB. Normally, nStartScan is set to
              0 and nNumScans is set to biHeight to denote that the
              whole DIB is pointed to by lpBits.

lpBits         The actual bitmap of the DIB. The pixel information is
              pointed to by this parameter.

lpBitmapInfo   The header (with color table) defining the DIB. The
              height and width in this header must match the height
              and width of the hBitmap parameter (the translation is
              always 1-to-1). The color resolution of the DIB need
              not match that of hBitmap.

wUsage         For the purposes of this article, assume this to be
              DIB_RGB_COLORS, indicating RGB colors in the color

Using SetDIBits() is reasonably straightforward. A DIB is taken from somewhere
(for example, from the Clipboard or from a disk file) and is converted to a
bitmap object, which can then be selected into a DC and blted to the screen for
display. This is the simplest way to display a DIB.

NOTE: For many printers that can do halftones, this method is not preferred;
StretchDIBits (discussed in the following) is far more useful.

The following is a simple display of a DIB to a DC (with no error handling):

  HBITMAP hBitmap;
  HDC hMemDC;

  hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, (WORD)lpInfo->biWidth,

  hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
  SetDIBits(hDC, hBitmap, 0, (WORD)lpInfo->biHeight, lpBits,

         lpBitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS);

  hBitmap = SelectObject(hMemDC, hBitmap);
  BitBlt(hDC, 0, 0, (WORD)lpInfo->biWidth, (WORD)lpInfo->biHeight,

         hMemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);

  DeleteObject(SelectObject(hMemDC, hBitmap));

Using GetDIBits() is more complex because the application can choose what kind of
DIB to generate. The size of the source bitmap regulates the DIB's dimensions (a
piece can be extracted by blting into a smaller bitmap), but the application's
need can dictate the color resolution.

For GetDIBits() to work properly, the application needs to set the following
fields in the header:

  biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)
  biWidth = (width of the bitmap)
  biHeight = (height of the bitmap)
  biPlanes = 1
  biBitCount = [desired color resolution (1, 4, 8, or 24)]
  biCompression = BI_RGB (For RLE information, see below.)

Also, the space allocated for the color table must be sufficient to hold a
full-size table:

  if (biBitCount != 24)

    nSizeTable = (1 << biBitCount) * sizeof(RGBQUAD)


    nSizeTable = 0;

The space allocated for lpBits also needs to be large enough to hold nNumScans of
data. The call fills in the following fields of the structure:

- biSizeImage = size in bytes of the DIB data

- Color table (for non-24-bit case) is filled with appropriate colors

- lpBits is filled with the DIB data

If GetDIBits() is called with lpBits set to NULL, no bits are returned; only
biSizeImage and the color table are filled in. This option is useful for DIBs
with RLE and is not worthwhile for non-encoded DIBs.

The application's goals for the DIB determine what color resolution to choose.
The usual approach is to generate a DIB that preserves the color information of
the source device-dependent bitmap. Choosing a lesser resolution results in a
loss of color information, which is usually undesirable. Always using 24-bit
resolution is unnecessary, however, because doing so adds no more color
resolution if the source has 8-bit or less resolution.

     BITMAP bm;

     // get information on bitmap
     GetObject(hBitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPVOID)&bm);

     BitmapRes = bm.bmPlanes * bm.bmBitsPixel;
     if (BitmapRes == 1)

       biBitCount = 1;

     else if (BitmapRes <= 4)

       biBitCount = 4;

     else if (BitmapRes <= 8)

       biBitCount = 8;


       biBitCount = 24;

The bitmap's resolution calculation must take into account that some
device-dependent bitmaps are planar (notably EGA and VGA). DIBs, on the other
hand, are always "packed pixel," with only 1 plane per pixel (biPlanes = 1).

The nStartScan and nNumScans parameters (a residue of Presentation Manager
compatibility) are designed to be used for banding. If not enough memory is
available to load the entire DIB into memory in one piece, lpBits can be made to
point to only a portion of the bits. Consider the following example:

     #define MAXREAD 5
     WORD ReadXScans(LPSTR, WORD);   // Read up to X scans; return
                                     // NumRead.
     LPSTR lpBits;                   // Points to a block of memory for
                                     // MAXREAD scans.
     WORD nStart, nNumRead;

     for (nStart = 0; nStart >= (WORD)lpInfo->biHeight; )

       nNumRead = ReadXScans(lpBits, MAXREAD);
       SetDIBits(hDC, hBitmap, nStart, nNumRead,
            lpBits, lpInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
       nStart += nNumRead;


The Set code takes the given band, translates it, and puts the translated band in
its proper location, accounting at all times for the upside-down nature of DIBs.
Notice how biHeight does not change at any time because the band is placed in
the bitmap based on the height of the full bitmap. nStart is based on the height
of the full image (defined by biHeight).


The following code demonstrates calling CreateDIBitmap() with the usual case:

     hBitmap = CreateDIBitmap(hDC, lpInfo, CBM_INIT, lpBits, lpInfo,

This is equivalent to:

     hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, (WORD)lpInfo->biWidth,


     SetDIBits(hDC, hBitmap, 0, (WORD)lpInfo->biHeight, lpBits, lpInfo,

GDI's implementation skips the SetDIBits() part if the third parameter is not set
with the CBM_INIT flag. This function makes for nice shortcut coding of the
conversion from DIB to device-dependent bitmap.


SetDIBitsToDevice() allows an application to set a DIB directly to a device
surface. Because this function is a holdout from early development, its
interface is not as polished as it could be. StretchDIBits() is a far more
powerful function than SetDIBitsToDevice(). StretchDIBits() does all that
SetDIBitsToDevice() does and has a nicer interface. SetDIBitsToDevice() is
limited in the way it handles metafiles because it does not scale, and banding
with the nStartScan and nNumScans parameters is nontrivial at best.
StretchDIBits() does not allow the banding.

The following code performs the SetDIBitsToDevice() functionality on the full
bitmap (no banding) using StretchDIBits:

     StretchDIBits(hDC, x, y, (WORD)lpInfo->biWidth,

            (WORD)lpInfo->biHeight, 0, 0, (WORD)lpInfo->biWidth,
            (WORD)lpInfo->biHeight, lpBits, lpInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS,

Assuming that nStartScan is set to 0 and that nNumScans is set to
lpInfo->biHeight (that is, no banding), the function is basically a BitBlt
with SRCCOPY as the ROP and with a DIB as the source. SrcX and SrcY are in the
DIB's space and are therefore upside down in relation to the DC (Y = 0 is at the
bottom of the image).

Dealing with the upside-down DIB is tricky when doing a partial setting. For
example, if an application wants to get the bottom third of a DIB that is w by h
pixels to the device at (x, y), the call would resemble the following:

     SetDIBitsToDevice(hDC, x, y, w, h/3, 0, h/3, 0,

            (WORD)lpInfo->biHeight, lpBits, lpInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS);

A device-dependent bitmap would have a SrcY of 2h/3 for the bottom third, but
with the upside-down system of the DIB, a SrcY of h/3 points to the proper place
relative to Windows coordinates.


This function is the do-all darling for displaying a DIB on the surface of a
device. It is especially nice for metafiling and for printing, for which the
ability to stretch is important.

The one critical hole in the current implementation of StretchDIBits() is that
StretchDIBits() is supported by printer drivers and not by many display drivers.
Therefore, using this function repeatedly to stretch a DIB to the screen is
significantly slower than using SetDIBits (to get a device-dependent bitmap)
followed by repeated StretchBlt() calls.

The implementation of this function in GDI is very straightforward. If the device
driver can handle the call itself, it does. If not, and the call is 1-to-1 and
the device supports SetDIBitsToDevice(), the call is converted to a
SetDIBitsToDevice() call to the driver. (This works only with SRCCOPY as the
ROP.) If neither of these methods is possible, CreateDIBitmap() is used to make
a device-dependent version of the bitmap, and StretchBlt is called to do the
actual work.

The parameters for StretchDIBits() are basically the same as for StretchBlt()
(with the source hDC replaced by lpBits and lpInfo). This function does not have
the nStartScan and the nNumScans parameters of the other DIB functions, so
lpBits always points to the first scan of the DIB.

When using this function for anything other than full bitmap stretches, remember
that all of the source coordinates (the ones relating to the DIB) are in an
upside-down system. The function will appropriately flip the image, but the
source rectangle is defined with Y=0 at the bottom and extents going up.
Fortunately, the x-coordinates use the same conventions as Windows.

Printer drivers that do support this functionality (for example, PSCRIPT and
HPPCL) usually use a halftone algorithm to output good color images. Therefore,
maintaining DIBs at the highest meaningful color resolution possible (usually 8
bit) is desirable even if the output device is monochrome, because the color
information is still useful for good output. Unfortunately, most printer drivers
do not support any ROP other than SRCCOPY.


This function allows an application to create a pattern brush by specifying a DIB
instead of a device-dependent bitmap, as used in the CreatePatternBrush()
function. A brush created using this function is used similar to any other
brush. The DIB is turned into a device-dependent bitmap at SelectObject() time
for use by the device. This brush resembles a standard pattern brush to the


Two basic mechanisms for placing DIBs in the Clipboard are using the CF_DIB data
format or placing the DIB into a metafile and using the CF_METAFILEPICT data

The CF_DIB format uses a packed DIB, in which the bits follow immediately after
the header and the color table. When reading or creating a packed DIB, an
application must properly calculate the size of the color table to ensure that
the bits are in the proper place. Because all DIB functions expect the DIB as
two pointers, one to the header and one to the bits, the bits pointer must be
calculated before use. (For color table size computations, see the code sample
in the color table description above.)

The simplest way to place a DIB into a metafile is to use StretchDIBits():

     hMetaDC = CreateMetaFile((LPSTR) NULL));
     StretchDIBits(hMetaDC, 0, 0, biWidth, biHeight, 0, 0, biWidth,

            biHeight, lpBits, lpInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY);

     hMetafile = CloseMetaFile(hMF);

This approach generates a metafile that when played back displays the DIB to the
destination. This method also scales the image to fit the current mapping scheme
if needed. Using metafiles for transfer enables even applications that are not
DIB-aware to paste the contents of the Clipboard without losing the DIB


When the biCompression field in a DIB's header is set to either BI_RLE4 (for
biBitCount = 4) or BI_RLE8 (for biBitCount = 8), the image has been run-length
encoded. A description of the encoding schemes can be found in the "Microsoft
Windows Software Development Kit Reference Volume 2," in the "BITMAPINFOHEADER"
section of the "Data types and Structures" chapter. The basic scheme involves
compressing multiple, horizontally adjacent, identical pixels into a run
encoding. For example, 10 pixels of color index 17 are encoded as a run of
length 10 and of index 17. Codes for end-of-scan and for delta moves are also
provided, in which an X and a Y offset are provided for the next pixel.

This type of encoding usually compresses the bitmap and is also useful for
creating sprite-type animations, in which only a small part of an image changes
in each frame. The animation capabilities are accomplished by using delta codes
to limit the number of pixels actually being set. Pixels skipped by a delta move
are left untouched.

The main limitations of RLE DIBs are that an application can neither easily
determine the size of the bitmap in bytes nor point to a certain scanline
without decoding the bitmap from the first scan. The biSizeImage field is useful
in solving the first problem. Decoding, encoding, and generally manipulating the
RLE format is slower and more complicated than the noncompressed (BI_RGB)
format. Some applications -- for example, Paintbrush -- refuse to read RLE DIBs.
Although all APIs accept them, RLE DIBs will probably not become a universally
supported format. Also, because of the relative rarity of these formats, some
device drivers might not have fully tested support for the encoding and decoding

To generate an RLE DIB, GetDIBits() is called with biCompression set to the
desired type of encoding. The amount of memory needed to store the bits is not
easily computed. If GetDIBits() is called with lpBits set to NULL, the amount of
memory needed for the bits is returned in biSizeImage. A subsequent call with
lpBits pointing to a properly sized block of memory returns an encoded bitmap.

Translating an RLE DIB into a device-dependent form requires no special
processing. Any of the Set functions can be used normally with a header
containing the proper biSizeImage and biCompression values to match the bits.


Probably the biggest limitation of DIBs is that they are slower than
device-dependent bitmaps. Translating DIBs into a device-dependent form before
they can actually be displayed requires extra processing, resulting in
additional overhead. In an ideal world, a 1-to-1 StretchDIBits() would be as
fast as a BitBlt(). This speed would allow an application to operate effectively
in the realm of the logical bitmap, with full color and full access to each and
every pixel, regardless of the physical device's limitations.

DIBs are based in a coordinate system that is upside down relative to Windows,
making coding a bit frustrating and not intuitive. Always remembering this
quirkiness should help limit the number of iterations needed to get bitmaps
properly lined up.

You can get full color using 24-bit DIBs, but they are very slow to decode, read,
and write. This is especially true on 8-bit palette devices, in which
translation literally can take minutes. Also, the sheer size of 24-bit DIBs
makes them a bit unwieldy for general use.


Metafile recording of StretchDIBits() calls that use BITMAPCOREHEADER causes a
UAE. Convert all headers to the BITMAPINFO style to avoid this problem. This
workaround is recommended for general DIB processing.

The SetDIBits() simulation code for greater than 64K monochrome DIBs causes
crashes or erroneous printouts when using a SetDIBits(), a SetDIBitsToDevice(),
or a StretchDIBits() to a driver that does not support SetDIBits().

Copyright 1992 by Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Additional query words: 0 softlib DIBS2.EXE

Keywords          : kbfile kbsample kb16bitonly kbOSWin310 _IK kbOSWin300 
Technology        : kbAudDeveloper kbWin3xSearch kbSDKSearch kbWinSDKSearch kbWinSDK310
Version           : WINDOWS:3.1
Issue type        : kbinfo



Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1986-2002.